Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Who Else Wants Massive Traffic Really Fast?

by: Florin Costache

Picture this: you've launched your website for a couple of months now and your traffic has never gone over 100 visits a day, but today, after submitting a link to 5 websites, your server just crashed because it can't handle the traffic.

How would that happen? It almost surely isn't search engine optimization, considering that these techniques take from 1 week to 3 or 4 months for their effects to show.

The answer: Social Bookmarking. Remember these two words, they are going to save your website! Now lets take a look at the top 5 sites that can bring you a ton of traffic when you need it - right now.

1. Digg.com - this is the Big Daddy of social bookmarking. Although not the first of its kind, it surely is the biggest one out there. Getting on the front page will submit your site to the so called "digg effect", which can bring down even dedicated servers.

2. del.icio.us - it may not bring as many visitors as Digg, but it's the second best out there and it still gets the respect of every webmaster blessed with a front page posting.

3. Slashdot.org - this one can bring visitors on par with Digg, but only to tech related articles and sites.

4. StumbleUpon.com - unlike the other sites in this list, StumbleUpon doesn't rely on its website for the browsing but on browser plugins that send stumblers to sites matched to their preferences.

5. Reddit.com - although it's the last on our list, you should still pay attention to it. Reddit has a more relaxed policy on what content appears on its site and with the free tagging folksonomy your content will be categorized exactly how you want it.

Now that you have the list, you'll probably want to know how you can get that craved front page listing. The answer: good quality content.

I know everybody says that, but it's actually true, and here is one idea on how to make great content: think of one problem that has been annoying you for some time and solve it. It doesn't have to be something life changing; no matter how small your problem is you can be sure hundreds or even thousands of other people are irked by the same thing.

Another to get a lot of eyeballs is to attack a well known organization or person. Most times this isn't the kind of attention you would want for your website, but if you think you can weather the bad criticism then this can make your site a traffic hotspot.

With all this potential, sometimes you may ask yourself if gaming the system could be an option. My advice is to play fair and have your links rank high because they're good - being labeled a spammer and a cheater on the Internet is one of the worst things that can happen to your reputation.

Ok, so you know where to get your content seen, how to create that content and what not to do. Now go do it and enjoy the traffic!

About The Author
Florin Costache is the webmaster of Optimizare, a romanian search engine optimization blog.


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Friday, November 03, 2006

Do Links Increase My Ranking On Search Engines?

by: David Fishman

Increasing links as a method to get your serps increase is a positive thing. You can ask youself the question, though, is just but, links should you get so this can happen? Is it possible to have to many links? Link marketing is the use of links to boost traffic to your website as otherwise as to develop it could be that your position on the se. You will need to do both to accomplish success. If you want to increase it could be that your search engine rank, accomplish on your links.

Is there a set number I should shoot for?

There is no real set integer. It's not having ten or twenty or getting a 100. It is definitely about having the right kind of links coming to the webpage. As an instance, you need to consider both reciprocal links as well as those that are the best type of link is a one way link. One way links create traffic to your site and not letting the customers get lured away with additional links on the webpage. Link exchanging, when placed correctly and applied in the correct way can help as well.

Beyond this, you will want to achieve with having good favorableness links. The links should be related in some way to your internet site. You will need to search for webmasters that offers similar, but should not have the same information as on your site.

If you are thinking about how many links you should allow pointing to your website, the correct denomination to go with is as much as you possibly can do. When getting them make sure they are of good quality, well researched links, not just a link that is not in the same theme. Make sure they provide for both reciprocal and links that are one way. Use them properly and your business really can improve from them.

About The Author
David Marc Fishman is the owner of http://linknetics.com. The link marketing software that promotes http://www.linknetics.com and http://www.linknetics.com.

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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

SEO Secrets They Don’t Want You To Know About

by: Josh Green

Back by popular demand, the second installment to the "…secrets they don’t want you to know about" series (see Affiliate marketing secrets they don’t want you to know about). Without further ado, here are the 3 secrets "they" try to keep away from you: effort, time and money. Once again I admit that this is not want you expected to hear, but believe it or not many novice webmasters (even experienced ones for that matter) often overlook these simple rules of thumb.

Before I elaborate on my three "secrets", I would like to let in on another little secret: who are "they"? You might be inclined to think that "they" is all the major search engines out there, such as Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc. Your intuition is good but in this case misguided and is exactly what "they" want you to think. You can’t blame search engine for not reviling there secrets, if everybody knew how to get top 10 rankings, there would be no reason for these search engines to even do business.

"They" in this case is all those SEO firms who milk you out of your hard earned money promising you the moon (top ten rankings in this case).

Secret #1: Effort

The effort you put in your search engine optimization campaign remains the most important factor in determining your positioning is search engines. There are countless strategies you can use to boost your rankings, but you must first do your research. Reading articles like this is a start but visiting specialized websites like Search Engine Watch to learn even more is your best option. Writing informative content is also a great way of attracting search engine traffic. Just the other day, I got a hit from Google Brazil. The user typed the oddest keyword, but ended up staying on the landing page for quite a while, so I guess it’s safe to say he found what he was looking for. You can also share your articles with article directories. Not only do you spread the word around on how great your site is, but you also get a link back to your website form a reputable and established high ranking website, which is a plus for your rankings. The fact of the matter is, you can’t just create a website and then dump it on the net in the hopes that the hits will come. You will have to update and consistently offer new content. Not only will this help you with your search engine rankings, but it will benefit the lifeblood of your website, your visitors.

Secret #2: Money

Despite all the free strategies there exist, you will have to strongly consider spending some money to help you in you search engine optimization campaign. Signing up for Google’s Adwords or any other search engine keyword marketing service for that matter would be money well spent. By biding on specific keywords that best suit your website, you will get an add space on Google. The good thing is you only pay when someone clicks on your add and you could also set yourself a daily budget. Paid inclusion in some quality online directories is also a good idea. While this remains a viable strategy, it’s easy to get carried away. Spend cleverly by searching for the most reputable directories beforehand. The only real advantage as opposed to free online directories is immediate inclusion. While free directories can take up to a year to include your website, a pay-for directory will index you within a predetermined amount of time (usually 24 hours).

Secret #3: Patience

Finally, the last secret I would like to elaborate on is patience. Now without getting into a philosophical debate with all of you, our society in general is becoming increasingly impatient. While hocking your horn on your way back home after a long day at work might give you the illusion that you’re getting home faster, impatience like that does not serve you well in the world of search engine optimization. What many novice webmasters don’t realize is that even getting all the major search engines to index you can take several days. And all that means is that your in there database, that doesn’t mean you will be getting top 10 rankings. You must be patient and continue working on the strategies we discussed earlier and the (and only then) will you start to see positive results.

About The Author
Josh Green is a senior editor for Associate Insider. Visit http://www.associateinsider.com today for this and many more informative articles, stunning web design tutorials and reviews of the best tools available.

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